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Cool Stars 19 graphical chart


For both web and print purposes, we recommend using the following typefaces:

Both fonts can be used easily through Google Fonts: , .

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The color palette of Cool Stars 19 is very sober, and based on shades of grey, with red as a main primary color.

CS19 red
hex: #bb3e3e
RGB: 187, 62, 62

Used for links, and as accent color.
CS19 grey1
hex: #999999
RGB: 153, 153, 153

Used for titles.
CS19 grey2
hex: #444444
RGB: 68, 68, 68

Used for regular body text instead of black to reduce the contrast.
CS19 grey3
hex: #eaeaea
RGB: 234, 234, 234

Can be used as background for buttons, text.

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You can find here the Cool Stars 19 logotype, with or without the name of the conference. The vectorized logotype files are available at this link in SVG format.

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Contact and support

If you have questions about Cool Stars 19 graphical chart, or the use of any of its elements, please contact .

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