CS19 Hackathon & Collaborative Writing Day

Uppsala University Active Learning Classroom, Ångström Laboratory

11 June 2016 — 08:00 – 20:00

What is a hack day?
The general idea is that people gather together to start (and complete) collaborative projects. Projects can range from creating tools for the astronomical community to increasing research output to developing educational tools for the public to working on astronomy wiki pages (e.g., AstroBetter). It can also be just a day for creativity and making things (in the most basic sense). Examples of output from this year's American Astronomical Society hack day are here.

The unifying theme is that the projects are (typically) software/web/tech related and are (usually) made publicly available, or information about the project is publicly disseminated.

On the collaborative writing side, it's something we are trying in addition to the usual hackathon spirit without really knowing all of the possibile projects that you (the participants) will come up with. Examples of projects include community white papers, web/wiki pages, code documentation, blog posts, and the like.

You may register online by following this link: http://goo.gl/forms/nlgKMJU5Li. Registration is open to the first 50 participants, so sign up early! After 50 participants have signed up, additional registrants will be placed on a waiting list.

About the Active Learning Classroom
Details here


Kelle Cruz

Hunter College & AMNH

Ruth Angus

University of Oxford

Gregory Feiden

Uppsala University

Thomas Marquart

Uppsala University

Participants (46)

Manfred Cuntz

Damian Fabbian
Rachel Booth
Tony Martinez

Maria Jaqueline Vasconcelos
Allison Youngblood

Oleg Kochukhov
Edward Gillen
Alisher S. Hojaev

Ben Tofflemire
Samuel Regandell

Colin Hill

Viktoria Wichert
Arkenberg, Mario
Ivan De Gennaro Aquino
Melanie Hampel
